Cloud Transformation

Many organizations are moving to the Cloud to save costs and increase productivity. Are you ready for your Transformation?

Strategy Governance Scorecards Training Infrastructure as Code
The importance of Optimizing Infrastructure Spend and Minimizing Capital Expenditures through Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) adoption Identify Cloud Transformation Levers and establish a delivery management function to drive execution Setting targets and measuring to those targets through effective Scorecard Reporting Learn the differences between Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) How to optimize your current infrastructure and middleware support processes into Automated Scripts to drastically improve productivity
Opportunities to establish on-site or use external Cloud Database Services for commercial offerings such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server to increase utilization and reduce licensing costs Establish a Cloud First Mindset and Culture of Development to reduce the usage of technologies that can not be migrated to the Cloud The challenges and best practices of measuring Application Adoption of the Cloud Establishing a training plan for your DevOps organization How to have an effective Automated Operations approach to increase productivity, improve time to market and enhance reliability of your environments
Identifying Non-Strategic Platforms and establishing an approach for application retirement or application refactoring to Cloud technologies Importance of Continuous Integration (CI) / Continuous Delivery (CD) process and tool adoption before or as you begin Cloud development Measuring Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions for new vendor applications to prevent the need for on-premise infrastructure Learn about the advantages of Docker Containers and how they make change management more efficient How to build an Independent Automation Team to get you to the target state while still supporting the current state environment
Understanding the benefits and costs of deploying Development and UAT environments to the Cloud How to leverage your architecture reviews to identify projects that are architecturally significant as Opportunities for Cloud Adoption Incorporate adoption metrics and Cloud transformation Benefits into performance reviews and compensation practices Understand the value of a Horizontal Scaling Architecture by contrasting it to legacy vertical scaling approaches Opportunities to use Infrastructure as Code for Faster Restoration of Services and Elimination of Continuity of Business (COB) Environments